Mystery logoff

Joel Rees joel.rees at
Sat Feb 5 02:30:59 UTC 2022

On Sat, Feb 5, 2022 at 9:29 AM MR ZenWiz <mrzenwiz at> wrote:
> I have been running  an AMD 9 59590X CPU with 32Gb of RAM andan ASUS
> mobo since late November.  I found out after upgrading my primary
> desktop to this that I could not run video without an external card,
> so I added a Gigabyte GE Forsce 1030 (after two other cards failing to
> run right) and Xubuntu 21.10 (because older releases could not handle
> the CPU at all). I am using the Nouveau video driver bcause I've had
> issues with othrs, especially the Nvidia native ones, and I don't care
> to deal with that.

So there is a lot of rather recent hardware in this system?

> Things have been going fairly well except for an occasional mystery
> system stop (black screen, no k/b or mouse response) or surprise
> logoff, usually when I'm not working on the machine.
> Today it happened again and I was able to find three logs that might
> help: kern.log, Xorg.0.log.old  and apport.log. These occurred about
> an hour before I tried to log in again, and there is some info in
> there I'm hoping will help.
> Problem is, I don't have a clue how to read the logs, although it
> looks fairly clear that Xorg crashed, possibly because of an error in
> nouveau.
> I really need help deciphering what these logs show.  The files are at:
> kern.log -
> Xorg.0.log.old -
> apport.log -
> If anyone has a clue, please let me know.

Interestingly, my web browser insisted on being an idiot when
presented with a .log file. It wants to open it in a text editor
instead of simply processing and displaying it as text. Too much
marketing getting mixed with engineering these days.

And I realize that I really don't have time to save these in my
downloads folder, open a terminal and move to the download folder, and

(1) open up a terminal emulator, set the scroll buffer to something
really large, like 10 MB, and simply cat one of the files to the
screen, then use the terminal scroll bar to scan backwards from the

or (2) try loading them in one of my text editors that handles large
files and scroll (if successfully opened) to the end so I can scroll
backwards for clues;

or (3) again, with a terminal emulator, guess how far back, and use
the tail command to show the last n lines, pipe it through more, and
scan forward from that point, for example, for the last 400 lines:

    tail -n 400 | more

Before I remembered I need to be doing something else, I noticed in
kern.log that it claims, close to the end, that one of your file
systems is corrupt. Sorry I don't have time to look for more

Joel Rees

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