Thunderbird 102.1.0-2 compatible with Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS?

Aaron Rainbolt arraybolt3 at
Wed Aug 17 22:33:36 UTC 2022

On Wed, Aug 17, 2022 at 5:31 PM Keith <keith at> wrote:
> On 8/17/22 11:45, Charles Irons wrote:
> > Hello Ubuntu user technical support
> >
> > My upgrade from 20.04 to 22.04.1 Jammy Jellyfish was a very easy process
> > on 15 August.
> >
> > Please advise me about Thunderbird new version 102.1.0-2 or tell me who
> > to ask.
> >
> > I found it in Ubuntu Software and clicked install.
> >
> > Now Settings for Applications shows two Thunderbird entries. The version
> > where I am compiling this email 91.11.0 (64-bit) and the second for
> > 102.1.0-2 showing the new features.
> >
> > 1.    Is it safe for me to switch to the 102.1.0-2 version?
> >
> > 2.    What must I do to activate the 102.1.0-2 version ?
> >
> > 3.    If the 102.1.0-2 version works correctly, What must I do to remove
> > the old 91.11.0 version?
> >
> [snipped]
> Thunderbird version 102.1.0-2 is provided as a snap package instead of
> the apt deb package. The Thunderbird version provided from apt's main
> repository is 91.11.0 (which may updated to 91.12 or bumped to 102.1.2
> as that's available now for download at Depends on the
> schedule of Mozilla team maintainers).
> 1. Is it safe? Well, yes, but it also depends. It's possible some
> extensions you use in 91.11 won't work with the snap package version
> 102.1.0. That may be because of the new major version update 91.11 ->
> 102.1 or because the extension doesn't work with snap package
> confinement policies. Extensions like keepassxc that rely on native
> messaging support don't work well or at all with snaps. Last I checked
> it's being worked on, but you'll just need to try your extensions out to
> see how they work.
> 2. Unlike the Firefox snap  package, there's no automatic script that
> runs on the first launch of the Thunderbird snap to import your current
> profile settings from the 91.11 version of Thunderbird.
> You'll have to import your profile from  Menu->Tools-Import. Because of
> the strict confinement feature of snaps, hidden files and directories
> are not accessible by default unless the snap is built to interface with
> them, so you may need to export your profile in the 91.11 version to a
> zip file (Menu->Tools-Export) and then import that file with the snap
> package version. As it should be now apparent, you'll need to pick a
> version to run and stick with it as using both versions may cause
> problems with message syncing.
> 3. If you like the snap version and wish to uninstall the apt version,
> then just open a terminal and type
> $ sudo apt purge thunderbird.
> Should note that this will not affect your 91.11 home profile directory
> in ~/.thunderbird at all
> and then
> $ sudo apt autoremove --purge
> to remove any packages dependent on thunderbird like
> thunderbird-gnome-support. The snap version of Thunderbird contains all
> necessary dependencies within the snap package itself to run, so any deb
> packages that were auto-installed because of the 91.11 version are
> superfluous.
> I switched to snap version of Thunderbird when I was running 20.04 and
> have been generally pleased with it. But my messaging requirements are
> fairly light, so YMMV.
> --
> Keith

Keith has some good points, so I'd recommend disregarding my message
and following his.

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