Thunderbird 102.1.0-2 compatible with Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS?

Liam Proven lproven at
Thu Aug 18 12:59:42 UTC 2022

On Wed, 17 Aug 2022 at 18:47, Charles Irons <irons.charles at> wrote:
> Please advise me about Thunderbird new version 102.1.0-2 or tell me who to ask.

Yes, this is a problem, and it affects me too.

The core problem is this: there are 2 different packaging versions here.

There is an ordinary "native" .DEB version of Thunderbird. It is still
on v91. It keeps its email in your home directory.

AND there is a different, Snap packaged version of Thunderbird. This is on v102.

Like all Snap packaged apps, it keeps its email in a special separate area.

If you install both, you get 2 copies, and they can't see each other's email.

If you are happy with the Snap, then remove the .DEB packaged version:

sudo apt remove thunderbird

You can easily find instructions online on how to move your existing
Thunderbird profile into your Snap Thunderbird profile directory.

I did not want to do this and was not happy with this situation. There
is a third way that is easy and quick:

There is a Thunderbird AppImage:

If you uninstall both other versions,  download that and follow the
instructions, it works fine on Ubuntu 22.04 and it will pick up your
existing native-Thunderbird 91 profile and Just Work.

This is what I recommend.

Liam Proven ~ Profile:
Email: lproven at ~ gMail/gTalk/FB: lproven at
Twitter/LinkedIn: lproven ~ Skype: liamproven
UK: (+44) 7939-087884 ~ Czech [+ WhatsApp/Telegram/Signal]: (+420) 702-829-053

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