Thunderbird 102.1.0-2 compatible with Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS?
keith at
Wed Aug 17 22:29:22 UTC 2022
On 8/17/22 11:45, Charles Irons wrote:
> Hello Ubuntu user technical support
> My upgrade from 20.04 to 22.04.1 Jammy Jellyfish was a very easy process
> on 15 August.
> Please advise me about Thunderbird new version 102.1.0-2 or tell me who
> to ask.
> I found it in Ubuntu Software and clicked install.
> Now Settings for Applications shows two Thunderbird entries. The version
> where I am compiling this email 91.11.0 (64-bit) and the second for
> 102.1.0-2 showing the new features.
> 1. Is it safe for me to switch to the 102.1.0-2 version?
> 2. What must I do to activate the 102.1.0-2 version ?
> 3. If the 102.1.0-2 version works correctly, What must I do to remove
> the old 91.11.0 version?
Thunderbird version 102.1.0-2 is provided as a snap package instead of
the apt deb package. The Thunderbird version provided from apt's main
repository is 91.11.0 (which may updated to 91.12 or bumped to 102.1.2
as that's available now for download at Depends on the
schedule of Mozilla team maintainers).
1. Is it safe? Well, yes, but it also depends. It's possible some
extensions you use in 91.11 won't work with the snap package version
102.1.0. That may be because of the new major version update 91.11 ->
102.1 or because the extension doesn't work with snap package
confinement policies. Extensions like keepassxc that rely on native
messaging support don't work well or at all with snaps. Last I checked
it's being worked on, but you'll just need to try your extensions out to
see how they work.
2. Unlike the Firefox snap package, there's no automatic script that
runs on the first launch of the Thunderbird snap to import your current
profile settings from the 91.11 version of Thunderbird.
You'll have to import your profile from Menu->Tools-Import. Because of
the strict confinement feature of snaps, hidden files and directories
are not accessible by default unless the snap is built to interface with
them, so you may need to export your profile in the 91.11 version to a
zip file (Menu->Tools-Export) and then import that file with the snap
package version. As it should be now apparent, you'll need to pick a
version to run and stick with it as using both versions may cause
problems with message syncing.
3. If you like the snap version and wish to uninstall the apt version,
then just open a terminal and type
$ sudo apt purge thunderbird.
Should note that this will not affect your 91.11 home profile directory
in ~/.thunderbird at all
and then
$ sudo apt autoremove --purge
to remove any packages dependent on thunderbird like
thunderbird-gnome-support. The snap version of Thunderbird contains all
necessary dependencies within the snap package itself to run, so any deb
packages that were auto-installed because of the 91.11 version are
I switched to snap version of Thunderbird when I was running 20.04 and
have been generally pleased with it. But my messaging requirements are
fairly light, so YMMV.
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