
Grizzly Real_Grizz_Adams at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Sep 23 07:09:50 UTC 2021

22 September 2021  at 13:29, Jay Ridgley wrote:
EOL??? (at least in part)

>Good Afternoon,

>While attempting to upgrade one of my systems I received the following 

>There will not be any further Ubuntu releases for this system's 1386 
>architecture. Updates will continue until April 2023.

>The system is a lenovo ThinkCenter.

>In other words I have until April 2023 to obtain a replacement box, correct?

Only if you want updates, the last LTS to upgrade on 32bit was 18.04 (16.04 -> 
18.04) and Apr 2023 bares that out, BUT I thought there was an extended support 

period (10 years) on 14.04, 16.04, 18.04 (and also 20.04)?

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