Query about 21.10 release notification

Ian Bruntlett ian.bruntlett at gmail.com
Thu Oct 14 19:55:54 UTC 2021

Hi Bret,

If I was you I would:-
* Download the relevant 21.10 iso and its accompanying SHA256SUM file from
* Open a Terminal window (CTRL+ALT+t) and run this command to check that
the iso is OK. : sha256sum -c SHA256SUMS
* Use Startup Disc Creator to put the iso on a USB flash drive (or use
Brasero to burn the iso to a DVD-R)
* Pick a PC to test
* Boot it from the USB flash drive / DVD-R
* See what happens :)

I've been using 21.10 since the beta release on a development laptop. I
upgraded from 21.10 beta to 21.10 this evening and I have no complaints.
Haven't tried it on hardware with nvidia graphics on, though.



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