
Liam Proven lproven at
Sat Nov 20 14:04:30 UTC 2021

On Sat, 20 Nov 2021 at 13:46, Oliver Grawert <ogra at> wrote:
> this is well known and one of the reasons the firefox deb still exists
> in the archive, it is expected that native messaging support for snaps
> will land for the LTS which will fix this issue along with a few others
> (i.e. smartcard support (for natioanl IDs in browsers))...

Aha. Good to know.

> it is a bit tricky to get the security right given that GNOME
> extensions actually modify the upstream source code via monkey-patching
> on the fly in the running system which in itself is a giant security
> hole by design ...

Well, you know, GNOME is a bit of a mess in general, on lots of
fronts. Choosing to implement large chunks of a desktop in Javascript
was not a good move.

I tried to raise the idea at SUSE that the company should just let go
most of the GNOME fanatics it acquired when Novell bought Ximian in
2003, and switch back to KDE as the default desktop. There's still way
more support for KDE inside the company. Part of my argument was that
with both Ubuntu and Fedora being GNOME-centric, it would be a way to
demarcate the company.

I don't see where else Ubuntu could have gone after that disastrous
Hackernews discussion, though.

(For everyone else: )

In my ideal world, Canonical would have dropped Mir, and moved Unity
to Wayland, perhaps by using Unity-2D at Qt instead of Gtk.

The Ubuntu Touch project was a vast loss and I don't think it's
generally realised how big, inside or outside the company. :-(

Liam Proven ~ Profile:
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