
Oliver Grawert ogra at
Sat Nov 20 12:44:32 UTC 2021

Am Samstag, dem 20.11.2021 um 12:39 +0100 schrieb Liam Proven:
>  Snap isolates the app from
> the OS and so the app can't talk to the GNOME integration module.
> Ubuntu team: you *NEED* to fix this.)

this is well known and one of the reasons the firefox deb still exists
in the archive, it is expected that native messaging support for snaps
will land for the LTS which will fix this issue along with a few others
(i.e. smartcard support (for natioanl IDs in browsers))...

it is a bit tricky to get the security right given that GNOME
extensions actually modify the upstream source code via monkey-patching 
on the fly in the running system which in itself is a giant security
hole by design ...

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