Thunderbird is causing my laptop to run hot

Liam Proven lproven at
Sat Nov 20 11:55:41 UTC 2021

On Sat, 20 Nov 2021 at 12:46, Peter Flynn <peter at> wrote:

> Not in the version which came with Mint 20.whatever, but that would be handy for the future, thanks.

I tried it on openSUSE. Worked fine. The migration process is a little
odd. The old XUL Enigmail is disabled. I had to manually install a
newer one, which picked up my old Enigmail settings, inserted them
into the relevant places in the integrated encryption settings, and
then told me to remove it.

It worked, and I could still encrypt messages, read old encrypted
ones, etc. Same keys etc.

> "Not all of Enigmail’s functionality is offered by Thunderbird 78 yet…" so def one day.

The problem is, I *think,* that Enigmail used external Linux tools to
do the crypto. These are not and cannot be available on Windows and
would be different on macOS. So the T-bird team had to use something
else for the built-in version, and it's not so mature.

But it works, for the basic functionality I needed.

> I triage mail so much of it is properly the business of other people to answer, and Redirection means their replies will go back to the sender where they
> belong, not to me.

I see.

> Very often I get mail (particularly from lists) where the sender has not used Reply but Create/New instead (and presumably copied or retyped the Subject). Or they are using a brain-dead corporate MUA which fails to preserve the threading information in replies. Bear in mind most people don't understand how threads work, and think it has something to do with the Subject.
> So I don't want to rebuild entire threads, just push an individual message into an existing thread at the location it belongs. AFAIK only Mutt offers this.


I can see that might cause problems with T-bird's mail indices. It
would be nice to have, I guess, but it's going to break other things.

> Sometimes when someone starts a new topic in an existing thread, it's good to be able to break the thread at that point so that subsequent replied are kept separate.

A fair point. More often I'd like to combine split threads.

> A script for Tbird would probably do the job if the language is capable of rewriting headers. [...]

I suspect it'd need a deep rewrite of the app's threading code. It's
probably stuff an extension can't do. WebExtensions are far more
limited than the old XUL extensions, and if there wasn't a XUL
extension to do it, I am guessing a WebExt can't.

Liam Proven ~ Profile:
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