Thunderbird is causing my laptop to run hot

Peter Flynn peter at
Sat Nov 20 16:00:27 UTC 2021

On 20/11/2021 11:55, Liam Proven wrote:
> I tried it on openSUSE. Worked fine. The migration process is a little
> odd. The old XUL Enigmail is disabled. I had to manually install a
> newer one, which picked up my old Enigmail settings, inserted them
> into the relevant places in the integrated encryption settings, and
> then told me to remove it.

Oooh, thank you. I'll try it out.

> I can see that might cause problems with T-bird's mail indices. It 
> would be nice to have, I guess, but it's going to break other
> things.

If I make suh a change in Mutt, Tbird simply reindexes when I fire it
up. Hasn't caused any problems.

> I suspect it'd need a deep rewrite of the app's threading code. It's 
> probably stuff an extension can't do. WebExtensions are far more 
> limited than the old XUL extensions, and if there wasn't a XUL 
> extension to do it, I am guessing a WebExt can't.

I never got around to playing with XUL. If WebExtensions is more limited
then I'll forget it and use Mutt when needed.

Thanks for the pointers.


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