Trying to remove FireFox

Grizzly Real_Grizz_Adams at
Wed Nov 17 12:22:24 UTC 2021

17 November 2021  at 12:04, Liam Proven wrote:
Re: Trying to remove FireFox (at least in part)

>On Wed, 17 Nov 2021 at 07:37, Grizzly via ubuntu-users
><ubuntu-users at> wrote:

>> Did you remove all the snap(ed) apps first, or do you have "snap trash" left?

>I did. It is Ubuntu *Server* though, so there are very few.

>> That or Brave was my intent (on laptops I also add Tor, just incase)

>I advise avoiding Brave. The browser has a nasty history of rewriting
>links to financial benefit the project:

>It deals in cryptocurrencies, which is a very bad thing:

I did hear (on Ubuntu PodCast and/or Late Night Linux) it crpto mines to 
finance development, which encouraged me to research, and I was not that happy 
with the idea

>On the other hand, I have noted some IMHO tasteless religious comments
>in your email sig before, so perhaps you approve of that. :-(

I don't have an Email Sig for any mailing list as humour is not constant across 
the net, I have checked through sigs I may have used for "private" emails and 
all of them stick to the same rule as most lists i.e. no "politics, religion or 

>If you want an all-FOSS Blink-based browser with no Google tracking,

>If that Google-sponsored product is too much, try Iridium:
>Or GNU IceCat:

Thanks for those pointers, I will investigate them, once I get rid of FF

>Vivaldi is also pretty good.

I had Vivaldi but moved away

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