Zoom client on lubuntu 18.4

Chris Green cl at isbd.net
Thu Feb 18 12:44:42 UTC 2021

On Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 01:38:42PM +0100, Oliver Grawert wrote:
> hi,
> Am Donnerstag, den 18.02.2021, 12:03 +0000 schrieb Chris Green:
> > 
> > > So we have some hope. I much prefer repositories than SNAP!
> > > 
> > Yes, I agree, snap and similar solutions are just temporary 'sticking
> > plaster' fixes IMHO.  If everything moved to snap our disk drives
> > would be full again and every time there was a security fix in a
> > basic
> > library we'd have to re-install every snap application that used it.
> not sure what makes you think this, snaps are way higher compressed
> than deb files and get never unpackaed anywhere on disk (they are
> readonly, gpg signed squashfs images that get loop mounted under
> /snap). 
> if you would install the same software (including its library
> dependencies that are usually newer than what the distro provides i.e.
> from a PPA) as deb packages the disk footprint would be a lot larger.
> snaps are exclusively updating via binary deltas, if one line in a snap
> gets updated, you only download the binary delta that single line
> changed, nothing more.
> snaps auto-update automaticlly (like the apps on your android or IOS
> phone), there is no need for you to watch out for updates in any way or
> to manually trigger a refresh ... snap developers get informed by mail
> if their package ships a vulnerable lib and get encouraged to trigger a
> simple rebuild to have the package pick it up. 
Absolutely none of which makes any difference to what I said about
every snap needing updating when a basic library changes!

Chris Green

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