Snaps & flatpacks

Jim jf_byrnes at
Thu Sep 3 13:31:56 UTC 2020

On 9/3/20 4:30 AM, Oliver Grawert wrote:
> hi,
> Am Mittwoch, den 02.09.2020, 19:18 -0500 schrieb Jim:
>> So would this be a limitation of flatpacks or how this one was
>> implemented and if it was a limitation of flatpacks could a snap
>> have
>> the same problem?
> snaps can have a "classic" mode that a packager can define at build
> time. such snaps then get special treatment (security team review) on
> store upload and run outside of confinement while still coming with all
> the other snap features (parallel installation of different versions of
> apps, rollback, delta updates, data snapshots etc etc).
> all IDEs, compilers, toolchains and many editors in the snap store,
> like android-studio, intellij, netbeans, atom, eclipse and vscode use
> that mode, so no, thanks to that classic feature snaps are not
> restricted like this ...
> ciao
> 	oli


Thanks for that information.

Regards,  Jim

PS - I wonder if anyone has any insight as to why I can only view 16 of 
the 300+ reviews about VSCode.

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