Snaps & flatpacks

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Thu Sep 3 09:30:11 UTC 2020

Am Mittwoch, den 02.09.2020, 19:18 -0500 schrieb Jim:
> So would this be a limitation of flatpacks or how this one was 
> implemented and if it was a limitation of flatpacks could a snap
> have 
> the same problem?

snaps can have a "classic" mode that a packager can define at build
time. such snaps then get special treatment (security team review) on
store upload and run outside of confinement while still coming with all
the other snap features (parallel installation of different versions of
apps, rollback, delta updates, data snapshots etc etc). 

all IDEs, compilers, toolchains and many editors in the snap store,
like android-studio, intellij, netbeans, atom, eclipse and vscode use
that mode, so no, thanks to that classic feature snaps are not
restricted like this ...

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