20.04 and Compiz?

Ken D'Ambrosio ken at jots.org
Tue May 19 15:27:20 UTC 2020

On 2020-05-19 10:42, Karl Auer wrote:
> This may be a silly question but - does Ubuntu 20.04 still support/work
> with Compiz? I have come to love spinning between workspaces with the
> mouse.

I can state two things definitively:
* 20.04 *does* have Compiz support
* 18.04 (and even later -- 19.X) supports Compiz great

I tried doing an upgrade to 20.04 last night, but I did it in a 
bass-ackwards way, and screwed it up, so while I had Compiz *running*, 
it wasn't running right, but I suspect that was more likely my fault 
that 20.04's.

$.02, YMMV, etc.,


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