20.04 and Compiz?

Peter Teuben teuben at gmail.com
Tue May 19 15:09:29 UTC 2020

maybe an unfair answer, but in Kubuntu my mouse scrolling lets me flip 
through the multiple virtual desktops..

In KDE there is also a 3rd dimension, called Actions, which forever 
confused me. But you can view it like the 3rd dimension of virtual 
desktops, which are normally layed out in a number of rows and columns.

I learned to appreciate Unity when it came out, I felt it would focus me 
more on task, but I must admit, KDE is getting to me. I've tried Gnome3 
too, but I'm still not there.   However, I don't want to start a desktop 
'war' here, in my opinion it's like arguing between vim and emacs. You 
use what works best for you. The only sad part about all of them is they 
really can take up memory

On 5/19/20 10:42 AM, Karl Auer wrote:
> This may be a silly question but - does Ubuntu 20.04 still support/work
> with Compiz? I have come to love spinning between workspaces with the
> mouse.
> I'm still on 16.04 LTS, but some things are starting to look like they
> may force the issue. Three years is way the longest I've ever gone
> without an upgrade :-)
> Regards, K.

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