need simple command line utility to read imap or pop3 mail unattended

Chris chris.pollock1948 at
Thu May 7 22:17:27 UTC 2020

On Thu, 2020-05-07 at 20:00 +0000, Mike Marchywka wrote:
> I have been using mutt and neomutt and found both integrate nicely
> into
> scripts to send mail but on a quick look I could not find out how
> read mail ( hotmail, yahoo, gmail, , etc)  Apparently there is
> something
> called fetchmail and somethng else called getmail but not sure
> what is easiest. I have my own utility to download entire accounts
> that I have used to backup my hotmail but I need this to run on 
> 12.04 and I had compiled against a bunch of current so's and it was
> not immeduately obvious that copying them over would not cause a mess
> :)
> The real problem is I'm trying to communicate with a machine that can
> not
> get a static IP address for monitoring equipment. email is the best I
> could do :) 
> Thanks.
I've used Fetchmail and Procmail for years to retrieve and process mail
from all my accounts including Gmail, Yahoo, CenturyLink and an account
I have at a German ISP for years. Works great for me and you can write
a Procmail recipe to process mail practically any way you want.

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