Revelation password wallet

David Fletcher dave at
Mon Aug 17 11:18:11 UTC 2020

On Mon, 2020-08-17 at 07:57 +0200, Volker Wysk wrote:
> I'd prefer a system wide setting. Might not be necessary, but it's
> cleaner. Maybe Dave is really making a new user, sometime, for
> testing
> purposes or whatever.

Me too.

It's a computer that my son built maybe 10 years ago, AMD X2, 4G RAM,
that's been sitting around unused for several years. Sometime I'm going
to have to upgrade my desktop and laptop at which time I prefer to not
have nasty surprises so whilst setting up this machine for my
girlfriend I took the opportunity to install things that I use myself
and make sure everything works.

I won't be able to try adding the path for a week or so now but I
expect it will work when I get chance to do so.

Has anybody else now got their Revelation wallets from previous Ubuntu
distributions working with 20.04? I hope so.


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