Another problem upgrading to 19.10
Liam Proven
lproven at
Fri Oct 25 10:35:10 UTC 2019
On Thu, 24 Oct 2019 at 19:06, Thomas Tanghus <thomas at> wrote:
> I still have my hopes up for SailfishOS. I've been using that on my phone
> since 2013. The OS is great, but the resources are limited.
I used a Blackberry Passport for a couple of years.
Blackberry 10 was, again, a lovely OS but lacked apps.
And like OS/2 2/3/4, its limited ability to run a subset of apps from
a rival platform meant that there was little reason for app vendors to
do a native version, so most didn't.
But the thing about Ubuntu Touch that I thought had potential was the
commonality of a desktop/tablet/phone OS that could run the same apps
across all 3 platforms.
Sailfish does not offer that so I am not very interest for my own use,
although I wish Jolla well. The Huawei/Hongmeng/Aurora deal could
really help them, potentially, but I am not sure it will pan out.
> I'm a die-hard KDE/Plasma fan since before version 1, so kinda set in my
> ways ;) Except that I had to replace KDE-PIM for a year or two while Akonadi
> was simply too broken. Now I'm back and keeping my fingers crossed that it
> will stay reasonably stable.
I loved KDE 1.x. For me it finally made Linux usable as a desktop OS.
KDE 2 was IMHO uncomfortably bloated. KDE 3 was a top-heavy
abomination that I could not stand. Since then it's got worse, much
much worse.
> Regarding the desktop you're right, as indicated above.
Ah, OK.
> Anyways, my box is up and running again \o/
Well good!
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