Cannot rsync /proc/kcore to new disk

Ken D'Ambrosio ken at
Mon Dec 16 16:54:36 UTC 2019

On 2019-12-16 11:37, Liam Proven wrote:

> AFAIK, everything in /proc is dynamically generated by the kernel.

Bingo.  (And right about /sys, too.)  Here's my rsync for backups:

/usr/bin/rsync -av -e /usr/bin/ssh --progress --exclude 'proc/' 
--exclude 'dev/' --exclude 'sys/' --exclude 'tmp/' 
root at /bigdisk-01/backups/destination/

I'm excluding:
/proc -- virtual FS created on boot
/sys  -- virtual FS created on boot
/tmp  -- temporary FS about which you shouldn't care
/dev  -- dynamically generated at boot; additionally, you do *not* want 
to copy (say) images of disks, etc.


P.S.  If you're not familiar with excludes in rsync, it thinks of all 
those directories as relative to the directory it's running from -- 
which is "/" as per "root at".  So "--exclude 'proc/'" 
translates to "/proc/".

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