Cannot rsync /proc/kcore to new disk

Liam Proven lproven at
Mon Dec 16 16:37:19 UTC 2019

On Mon, 16 Dec 2019 at 17:10, Harry Putnam <reader at> wrote:

> rsync stalls at /proc/kcore but does not quite/fail just sits
> interminably showing /proc/kcore as the item its working on.

AFAIK, everything in /proc is dynamically generated by the kernel. You
don't need to copy any of it, and if you image the disk from live
media, e.g. with Gparted or Clonezilla or G4L, then it's not on disk
and won't be copied.

I do *not* advise trying to copy a live system from that system when
it is running. That probably will not work.

FYI /sys is also dynamically-generated.

Liam Proven - Profile:
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