Ubuntu 19.04 VERY long load times w/ Nvidia graphics (esp compared to 18.10)

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at zoho.com
Thu Apr 18 21:13:37 UTC 2019

On Thu, 18 Apr 2019 21:49:21 +0100, Colin Law wrote:
>So it is an nvidia issue

It might be an graphics issue only, but it also could be a combination
of several issues.

Maybe the culprit is "just"

"/usr/bin/nvidia-smi' [787] is taking longer than 59s to complete"


"retrying transaction"

due to the

"DNS violation DVE-2018-0001"

might cause an additional delay.

However, since the OP mentioned

"It only occurs when the GRUB parameter "nomodeset" is set, which is
unfortunately a common thing you need to do with Nvidia cards."

I'm likely mistaken with the DNS violation issue, so agree with focusing
on the NVIDIA graphics.

I migrated from NVIDIA and ATI to Intel graphics ;).

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