Outlook installation

Peter Flynn peter at silmaril.ie
Wed Apr 10 14:17:47 UTC 2019

On 10/04/2019 10:35, Liam Proven wrote:
> I run Word 97 and 2003 for good reasons. 97 is the oldest (=
> smallest, fastest, simplest) version that supports the version 2 .DOC
> file format.

This is good if you need to read older files. 2003 was the first version 
to use XML, and it used WordML rather than OOXML and saved a .xml file 
instead of .docx

I suppose just a general public warning to upgrade all your Word files 
to OOXML by saving as .docx because it is at least readable by other 
tools and systems, whereas the antique .doc file format will become 
increasingly unreadable as time goes on.

> Word 2003 is the last version with the traditional UI. I find later
> versions (with the Ribbon) unusable. 

Yes, I'd forgotten that: that was the other difference.

> It too works flawlessly under CrossOver Office, including updates and
> service releases, and add-ons like the Office 2007 file convertors.
> But I couldn't get it to install on free WINE

It won't, alas. You do need Crossover.

> I know from my own experience -- I was a certified Exchange admin
> once, in a more painful stage of my career -- that it's a very fragile
> and super-complex program, and as such, Exchange admins do not like it
> when users ask for server config changes just so that said user can
> run a weird nonstandard client OS. ;-)

This is why I use Hiri for all my Exchange/O365 accounts. It "just 
works"; it picks up your account config (signature, out-of-office 
message, etc) from the server. Free it ain't, but for your $39/year or 
$119/life it's cheap and reliable and runs on Linux, Macs, and Windows.


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