printing issues RESOLVED

Brian ad44 at
Fri Nov 23 19:29:52 UTC 2018

On Fri 23 Nov 2018 at 19:15:25 +0100, Gary J. Kirkpatrick wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 23, 2018 at 4:00 PM Brian <ad44 at> wrote:


> > Here is what I would do on your system for printing:
> >
> > 1. Decide whether to use one or other of the USB or wireless connections.
> >
> > 2. If USB is chosen, delete the two HPLIP queues. You could also purge
> >    HPLIP from the system as it is no longer used.
> >
> > 3. If wireless is chosen, uncomment "CreateIPPPrinterQueues All" in
> >    /etc/cups/cups-browsed.conf" and restart cups-browsed. Delete the two
> >    HPLIP queues. You could also purge HPLIP as it is no longer used.
> >
> > Keep things simple; you do not need USB and wireless at the same time.
> > And, by using driverless printing, all HPLIP bugs can be avoided and
> > nobody need bother about installing non-free plugins for printing ever
> > again.
> >
> > --
> > Brian.
> >
> > --
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> I purged  HPLIP sudo apt-get remove --purge hplip.

You've gone this far so you could do

  sudo apt-get --purge autoremove

to clean up other packages which are not needed now.

I'll also point out (before anyone else does) that, if you have a need
for scanning, some readjustment will be now be needed. Anyway, one thing
at a time. Back to printing.

> I removed the printer I installed wirelessly (I never installed one to
> print by USB).  I still have a printer I can not remove using

Ok, you didn't actively install a USB print queue but you did have a
USB connection and, in that situation, Ubuntu will automatically set an
IPP printer up for you. Many users would appreciate that facility. I
hope you have disconnected the printer from the USB port.

> 'System/Devices/Printers.'  It is
> labeled  HP_DeskJet_3630_series_61C7.    I can not print from it when using
> the Ubuntu interface, I can with the Unity interface-  I can not delete it
> from there either as I gave no print interface, that is, there is no
> System/Devices/Printers.

I use Debian, but its printing system and that of Ubuntu are identical
for all intents and purposes. However, I am unfamiliar with the two
interfaces you refer to. If the Ubuntu interface is based on GNOME I can
think of a reason. Would you describe what you see there *immediately*
after restarting cups-browsed.

> I added the printer using  'System/Devices/Printers.'  It works and appears
> to be working correctly.
> I uncommented "CreateIPPPrinterQueues All.  I restarted CUP sudo systemctl
> restart cups.service  I now have 3 printers listed .

It is essential to restart cups-browsed. Does 'lpstat -t' also show these
three printers? Please post the output if it shows more than 1.
> Seems to be printing fine.

That's the good part, isn't it?


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