Menu editor not working

Liam Proven lproven at
Thu Nov 1 16:38:16 UTC 2018

On Thu, 1 Nov 2018 at 17:05, Colin Law <clanlaw at> wrote:
> Do not be concerned about bothering us again if you have a problem in
> an area that *is* common with Ubuntu.

Definitely. Ralf is a little irascible ;-) but we try to be approachable.

I am a bit torn on Mint. I have done a significant project on Mint in
the past and they were helpful and cooperative -- far more so than

But there is a lot of feeling that Mint is a bit of a mongrel distro,
and Ubuntu is more "pure".

Also the Mint mailing list was dead and has been shut down. The forums
are not very helpful IME.

>  Of course if you like Maté then you could switch to Ubuntu
> Maté and then no-one would have any excuse for not helping you :)

Seconded. I would suggest either Ubuntu Maté or Xubuntu. I quite like
the latter -- Xfce works very well, IME far better than GNOME 3 or
Cinnamon, and it supports a feature I like that Maté does not.

Liam Proven - Profile:
Email: lproven at - Google Mail/Hangouts/Plus: lproven at
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