Menu editor not working

Colin Law clanlaw at
Thu Nov 1 16:03:15 UTC 2018

On Thu, 1 Nov 2018 at 15:34, Thomas Blasejewicz <thomas at> wrote:
> ...
> Well, I am very sorry for the commotion I caused and at the same time
> thankful for all the information.

I wouldn't worry about the commotion, it is not unusual to have lively
discussions here.

> I have to confess: I AM using Cinnamon, which seems to be very unpopular
> here.

I don't think it is that is very unpopular here, just that most of us
have no experience of it, and the couple that do don't like it.
Many Mint related issues are basically the same issues that are seen
with Ubuntu, however, since Cinnamon is, I think, not one of the
standard Ubuntu desktops it is less likely that you will find anyone
here who can help.

> I will try not to bother the list again.

Do not be concerned about bothering us again if you have a problem in
an area that *is* common with Ubuntu.  Provided you do not give the
impression that you *expect* to get help then there is no harm in
asking.  Of course if you like Maté then you could switch to Ubuntu
Maté and then no-one would have any excuse for not helping you :)


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