snap umake?

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Thu Oct 26 20:05:52 UTC 2017

Am Donnerstag, den 26.10.2017, 18:59 +0200 schrieb Ralf Mardorf:
> Try to make a pro-audio sound server like jackd available to apps
> that
> require jackd, provided by other of those packages. At best it works,
> if you drop the extra security layer, if at all.

this works fine via the content interface since quite a while ...

just like all snapped gnome apps use the gnome-3-26-1604 to access the
gnome libs currently (there will be also -1710 versions or -1804 or
even -git-master versions soon so you can try out all available
versions of an app regardless of which your underlying distro release
is), the kde snaps use kde-frameworks-5, the libreoffice snap using the
interface provided by the cups server snap etc etc ... 

a jackd snap would simply provide a jackd content interface (versioned
if you like or if jackd needs it) all other snaps can consume ... 

i remember you have been trying snaps when it was really early ... the
world changed quite a bit since, with snapcraft doing most of the
packaging work for you in one command, a direct hook of build- into upstream trees on github and with a lot of new
interfaces and features in snapd ...

you shouldnt judge software in rolling development by a look you took
at it 1.5y ago ;)

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