Problem reinstalling Xubuntu 16.04 - SOLVED

Colin Law clanlaw at
Thu Jul 20 07:09:20 UTC 2017

On 19 July 2017 at 23:27, MR ZenWiz <mrzenwiz at> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 12:17 AM, Colin Law <clanlaw at> wrote:
>> On 19 July 2017 at 08:04, MR ZenWiz <mrzenwiz at> wrote:
>>> After running into the same drop-into-busybox problem trying to
>>> install my new HP laptop from the same Patriot flash drive I created
>>> via unetbootin, I decided to use a DVD.
>> Had you tried the boot option to check the files on the flash drive?
> Early on, and I've re-installed that flash drive a few times as well,
> all with the same image.  No help there.


> I have a couple of other drives I can put it on and see it that helps,
> but hopefully I won't need it before 16.04.3 or later comes out, or
> (preferably) never.

You don't need to re-install when going to 16.04.3, the normal day to
day updates will ensure you end up with virtually the same system as

>>> Worked flawlessly.
>>> It seems, at least for me, the unetbootin Xubuntu flash drive is NOT
>>> installable.  It has failed in every system I have.  Looks like I'll
>>> be trusting the still more ubiquitous DVD install image until further
>>> notice.
>> Do you mean you used a different image or just burned the same image
>> onto DVD instead of flash?
> Same image burned onto a DVD.  If I knew where my first one of these
> was, I'd have used it, but...

I wonder whether it is a problem to do with USB on that particular PC,
though I have no idea what.


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