16.04 Printer definition problems

Jay Ridgley jridgley2 at austin.rr.com
Mon Sep 26 21:06:37 UTC 2016

Afternoon Petter,

Lets try this again, needed to make some corrections... and an addition.
On 09/26/2016 06:41 AM, Jay Ridgley wrote:
> Good morning Petter,
> On 09/25/2016 02:35 AM, Petter Adsen wrote:
>> On Sat, 24 Sep 2016 06:38:23 -0500
>> Jay Ridgley <jridgley2 at austin.rr.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks again Petter,
>>> On 09/24/2016 04:55 AM, Petter Adsen wrote:
>>>> As a workaround, can't you use the CUPS interface at
>>>> https://localhost:631 ?
>>> That enabled me to identify the printer as a server. And set it up
>>> correctly.
>>> On a hard wired system everything works fine.
>>> On my laptop (wireless) when I find the printer and add it that works
>>> also. Yet When I try to print a Test Page I get the message held for
>>> authorization. How do I correct that?
>> Sorry, I'm not really sure why you get that. I found this thread that
>> might help, look at the sixth post from the top:
>> https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1211404
> I followed the instructions in that post.
> 1. sudo service cups stop
> 2. sudo vi /etc/cups/printers/cupsd.conf
> 3. foubd a line AuthInfoRequired none
>     in the file at:
> <Printers>
> <DefaultPrinter sysprt>
> UUID ...
> AuthInfoRequired none
> 4. deleted that line
> 5. ended vi with ZZ
> 6. sudo service cups start
> I then tried to print a test page and got the same results. So without
> stopping cups I  did the following:
> 1 entered the following sudo less /etc/cups/confd.con>
THIS should read ------------------->/etc/cups/printers/confd.conf
> The line was BACK!!!
> 2. ended the less command with q
> and performed steps 1-5 as before and the verified the line was gone
> with less, it was.
> 3. sudo service cups start
> 4. sudo less /etc/cups/confd.conf
AGAIN ---------/etc/cups/printers/confd.conf
> The line was BACK!!! Where is cups finding the information to put the
> line back n the file and why????
> At some point during this exercise I looked at /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
> and found a line DefaultAuthType Basic
> Could this be the problem?

I tried making that line a comment by inserting a # as the first 
character in the line. That did not help either.

The latest info I have is:

After making the line DefaultAuthType Basic a comment I found this 
information in the logs:

  456 [26/Sep/2016:15:16:44 -0500] 1 1 - localhost Test Page 12 -


E [26/Sep/2016:15:15:16 -0500] Unknown directive JobPrivateAccess on 
line 84 of /etc/cups/cupsd.conf.
E [26/Sep/2016:15:15:16 -0500] Unknown directive JobPrivateValues on 
line 85 of /etc/cups/cupsd.conf.
E [26/Sep/2016:15:15:16 -0500] Unknown directive 
SubscriptionPrivateAccess on line 86 of /etc/cups/cupsd.conf.
E [26/Sep/2016:15:15:16 -0500] Unknown directive 
SubscriptionPrivateValues on line 87 of /etc/cups/cupsd.conf.


      83 </Policy>
      84 JobPrivateAccess default
      85 JobPrivateValues default
      86 SubscriptionPrivateAccess default
      87 SubscriptionPrivateValues default

Is this significant? The file ends there. Is it missing a line that reads:
as line 88?

>> Also, verify that the printer is set as 'Shared' (although if it works
>> from another system that shouldn't be the problem.)
> Yes the printer is shared.
> Regards,
> Jay
>>> Jay
>>> PS: Sorry I missed the second t in you name the first time.
>> No worries, I get that a lot ;)
>> Petter

Jay Ridgley
jridgley2 at austin.rr.com
Registered Linux User ID - 9115
Registered Ubuntu User ID - 23320

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