16.04 Printer definition problems

Petter Adsen petter at synth.no
Tue Sep 27 13:45:45 UTC 2016

On Mon, 26 Sep 2016 16:06:37 -0500
Jay Ridgley <jridgley2 at austin.rr.com> wrote:

> > 3. sudo service cups start
> > 4. sudo less /etc/cups/confd.conf  
> AGAIN ---------/etc/cups/printers/confd.conf
> >
> > The line was BACK!!! Where is cups finding the information to put
> > the line back n the file and why????

Good question. :)

You could always try setting the file immutable ('chattr +i' to set,
'chattr -i' to remove) but CUPS might not like that at all.

Seems that file is autogenerated, the forum post was quite old, so
CUPS' behaviour might have changed since then.

> /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
>       83 </Policy>
>       84 JobPrivateAccess default
>       85 JobPrivateValues default
>       86 SubscriptionPrivateAccess default
>       87 SubscriptionPrivateValues default
> Is this significant? The file ends there. Is it missing a line that
> reads: <Policy/>
> as line 88?

"</whatever>" is a closing tag, the opening tag looks like
"<whatever>" (no slash).

Is it possible your cupsd.conf file has been corrupted by your edits?

Looking at the same file on my print server, it looks like that should
be an opening tag, and there would be a closing tag further down.

You could try adding lines that say "Allow all" after every line that
says "Order deny,allow" inside the Policy tags, that should allow
printing for all users AIUI.

Other than that, I know just enough about CUPS to get in trouble, so
I'm really not sure I can be much help. I suggest you use your favorite
IRC client to join ##cups at Freenode, or try a CUPS mailing list if
nobody else here can help.


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