Does my machine send spam???

Grizzly Real_Grizz_Adams at
Mon Oct 17 10:51:22 UTC 2016

Monday, October 17, 2016  at 8:21, Volker Wysk wrote:
Does my  machine send spam??? (at least in part)

As others have said headers are likely faked, as for the actual email content I 

get around 500 of them each day only the Salery seems to change, subject is 
either Vacency (with number) or Compliments

>I've got six messages, which say, that some spam message can't be delivered. 
>I've attached one of them.
>I've had attacks on my local Dovecot mail server, but they should have been 
>blocked by fail2ban - ?.
>Has my machine been hijacked to send spam?? What can I do?

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