ubuntu 16.04 vnc doesn work

J.L. Blom joep at neuroweave.nl
Fri Jun 24 22:53:03 UTC 2016

On 24/06/16 18:09, Carson Chittom wrote:
> Liam Proven <lproven at gmail.com> writes:
>>> For the differences between -X and -Y, just "man ssh" in a terminal.
>> That rather assumes I'm using a Linux box to read and write these
>> messages. I'm not. I am using Unix, but not Linux and one without
>> X.11.
> man came from AT&T Unix (in 1971, says Wikipedia), and most modern Linux
> distributions ship OpenSSH, which is from OpenBSD.  I'm writing this
> from a laptop running OpenBSD 5.9, at it happens (in Emacs--yet another
> cross-platform application).  Essentially every open source operating
> system (as well as the closed-source OS X) include both man and ssh, in
> some form.  Nothing about either tool is Linux-specific, although Linux
> distributions use both.
> So, yes, I did make the assumption that you have access to a system
> capable of running both man and ssh.  Given that this is a list
> specifically about Ubuntu, this is hardly an unreasonable assumption.
> However, if you prefer (and still care), here's a webified version of
> ssh's man page: http://man.openbsd.org/OpenBSD-current/man1/ssh.1
Liam & Carson,

Thanks for the elaborate reply. To clarify: ssh & X didn't come to Linux 
but to Unix (as Carson said in his opening sentence) an sure security 
was not an issue in those days. I come from Unix (starting with Bell 
Unix in 1980 (!) and working in the 90ies with IRIX (Silicon Graphics 
Unix) and on - for us simple - Intel processors with Linux until today. 
In the 80ies we used Unix sparsely as most programs were developed on 
DOS, never touched MS WIndows, so Iḿ reasonably familiar with Unix/Linux.
I installed and upgraded ubuntu on this system using the factory 
provided images. I didn't build the Linux myself. Of course on the 
system Xserver is running and when I looked yes xfce4 is running but I 
cannot find which desktop manager is running.
My workstation is a AMD 6300 6-core running 3000MHz 8Gb memory self build.
The controlled system is an Odroid-C2 ARM 4-core 2Gb memory and the 
beauty is that it uses <5W and is very low cost (even cheaper than the 
raspberry). I have it a few weeks and am experimenting with it to use it 
as a standalone server.
More information is here http://www.hardkernel.com/main/main.php.
My mystery with vnc is still not solved.

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