On Ubuntu Linux 16.04, what file is the Apache2 AcceptMutex directive currently set in?

Frank Chang frankchang91 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 20 15:34:57 UTC 2016

On Ubuntu Linux 16.04, what file is the Apache2 AcceptMutex directive
currently set in? The reason we need to know this is to create the LockFile
necessary to create additional VirtualHosts such as apache2_00n where n =

I was wondering if it is necessary to create extra Virtual hosts to handle
Apache HTTP requests from different root directories such as
/var/www/firstaspnet serviced by a single mod_mono_server4 process. Can we
do that in a production environment without a C# compiler such as dmcs?

Thank you.

     Frank(1-781-354-2857 cellphone)
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