Advice on backup method

jlwallen at jlwallen at
Sat Jun 4 11:57:08 UTC 2016

> ****************
>  Hello all
> Thanks for your generous suggestions. I have done a successful backup
> following Nils' advice to format the flash drive.
> I admire greatly the advanced command level skill that most replies
> showed. That said, I am a retired GUI level user and expect to stay
> one.  I believe Ubuntu aims to meet my needs without much study of its
> innards.  So I hope you agree that my approach also contributes to the
> wider usability of Ubuntu.
> Maybe you could suggest a way for me to share my specific experiences
> at GUI user level?
> Thanks again for your helpfulness.
>  --
> irons.charles at
> Home   +2711 782 8623


I didn't follow this thread completely, but I wonder if you've given 
Lucky Backup a try. It's a GUI backup solution that's both flexible and 
powerful. I've been using it for a long time with great success. It can 
be found in the standard repositories. I'd highly recommend it, if 
you're looking for a GUI solution. Of course, I may have missed 
something in the thread that would render that tool unusable in your 
situation (if so, forgive my ignorance).


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