Problem installing 16.04 LTS

Liam Proven lproven at
Sat Jul 30 12:58:06 UTC 2016

On 30 July 2016 at 05:25, John <jsowden at> wrote:
> Got a new 2 TB drive that I put Mate on.  Haven't figured out the specific
> benefit of Mate, ergo I am going back to xubuntu. Problems:
> 1) I had a 512MB partition on the 2 TB drive and one more for Ubuntu Mate.
> I tried to do a new install but I could not re-write sda1 (512 MB).  No
> error messages, etc. Grrrrrrrr.  I went back to the try it out CD mode, and
> deleted the partitions sda1 and the rest, sda2.  Then, ...
> 2) I rebooted and started the install (again), I set up the partitions for
> 1, 2 and 3.  When I got to 4, I tried to set up an "extended partition" for
> all the others that I wanted.  No option for extended, no help, no error.
> So here I am.  Using a Windows O/S laptop to ask for Ubuntu help (ironic).

The maximum size for a  Master Boot Record hard disk is 2TB. So, for a
2TB drive, so long as your PC has UEFI firmware instead of a BIOS, the
standard recommendation is to use GUID partitioning, A.K.A. a GPT --
GUID Partition Table -- instead of the old MBR.

This means no more primary/extended/logical partitions. They are a
peculiarity of MBR and are now a legacy feature.

Check if you have UEFI. If you do, use GPT. Then there is no more
primary/secondary/extended/logical difference. There are just up to
128 partitions.

Liam Proven • Profile:
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