Wireless will load and then drop signal

Richard Barmann reb at barmannsbar.com
Sat Jan 23 03:02:56 UTC 2016

On 01/22/2016 09:25 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Jan 2016 20:25:28 -0500, Richard Barmann wrote:
>> /home/richard/wireless-info.tar.gz I did the up grade and I think I
>> have version 15.10. Also *I did the wireless infobut do not know how
>> to open it or understand it.
> Hi,
> here is explained how to check which release of Ubuntu you are
> running, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckingYourUbuntuVersion.
> "wireless-info.tar.gz" is an archive, aka tarball. First you need to
> extract it, the next steps depend to the content of the tarball,
> https://askubuntu.com/questions/25347/what-command-do-i-need-to-unzip-extract-a-tar-gz-file.
> Instead of using command line, you could open your file manager, perhaps
> Nautilus, Thunar or similar, then click or right click the tarball.
> Most likely it provides an option to extract the archive.
> Alternatively consider to follow the "Run from CLI" advice at
> https://github.com/UbuntuForums/wireless-info.
> Regards,
> Ralf
> My version is 15.10. I opened the info file but really did not understand it.Do you have any suggestions to keep the wireless  from dropping?
Can  you look at the file above or do I need to paste it in an Email.
Thanks for the knowledge. I will try to remember it. But I must admit 
that at 83 my memory is slipping.
Thanks Dick

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