Wireless will load and then drop signal

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at zoho.com
Sat Jan 23 09:48:03 UTC 2016

On Fri, 22 Jan 2016 22:02:56 -0500, Richard Barmann wrote:
>Can  you look at the file above or do I need to paste it in an Email.
>Thanks for the knowledge. I will try to remember it. But I must admit 
>that at 83 my memory is slipping.
>Thanks Dick

Hi Dick,

I can't help you with wireless networks, especially not for a default
Ubuntu, that likely uses Network Manager or a similar tool, but I'll
try to explain you, how to post the information generated by
wireless-info to the list.

Open a Terminal [1], in the Terminal run

  cd /home/richard/
  ls -hAl wireless-info*

there likely is a file named


available. If not run

  tar xzf wireless-info.tar.gz

after running the above command, there likely is a file named


or a directory


available. Run

ls -hAl wireless-info*

again. Perhaps you need to run

  cd wireless-info/
  ls -hAl wireless-info*

Assumed there should be a file


be available, read [2]. Open the file  wireless-info.txt  with an
editor. Regarding [3] the default editor seems to be Gedit, so run

  gedit wireless-info.txt

With your web browser open one of the paste pages, e.g.


In the editor push the shortcut

  Ctrl + a

to select the text and then

  Ctrl + c

to copy the text. In the web browser select the "Content" box and paste
the text by the shortcut

  Ctrl + v

Add a "Poster" name and for the "Syntax" stay with "Plain Text", resp.
chose it, if something else should be selected.

Push the "Paste" button, select the provided link, copy it and paste it
to the email you'll send to this mailing list.

[1] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal#Starting_a_Terminal
[2] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Pastebin
[3] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/gedit


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