Wireless will load and then drop signal

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at zoho.com
Sat Jan 23 02:41:39 UTC 2016

On Sat, 23 Jan 2016 03:25:55 +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>On Fri, 22 Jan 2016 20:25:28 -0500, Richard Barmann wrote:
>>/home/richard/wireless-info.tar.gz I did the up grade and I think I
>>have version 15.10. Also *I did the wireless infobut do not know how
>>to open it or understand it.  
>here is explained how to check which release of Ubuntu you are
>running, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckingYourUbuntuVersion.
>"wireless-info.tar.gz" is an archive, aka tarball. First you need to
>extract it, the next steps depend to the content of the tarball,
>Instead of using command line, you could open your file manager,
>perhaps Nautilus, Thunar or similar, then click or right click the
>tarball. Most likely it provides an option to extract the archive.
>Alternatively consider to follow the "Run from CLI" advice at

Oops, "Additionally creates the archive wireless-info.tar.gz if the
file exceeds 19.5 kB in size", so I suspect you already run the command
and the archive contains the log file. So assumed you want to read the
log file, then you need to extract the archive and after that read the
text file with an editor of your choice or from command line use the
command   less file_name  .

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