How to set the single click speed?

Tommy Trussell tommy.trussell at
Wed Jan 20 00:26:13 UTC 2016

On Tue, Jan 19, 2016 at 5:18 PM, Jim Byrnes <jf_byrnes at> wrote:

> This is a fairly new HP desktop that when running 12.04 did not have this
> problem.
>> Also, have you tried a different mouse?
> No. I said mouse for simplicity sake. It is a Kensington Expert Mouse (ie
> trackball), but when I boot to 12.04 it works without a problem.

You might try installing this package


and use that tool, which is called pointing-devices. It "exposes" more of
the settings than the simplified Mouse control. If it works for you, I
suggest putting it on the launcher so you can pull it up easily. If the
settings don't "stick" you can move it high on the launcher to make it
easily accessible via the keyboard.

If you do some Internet searches for "Kensington Expert Mouse Ubuntu 14.04"
you'll see some tips involving hand-editing various X settings so you can
use all the buttons. So presumably others have used them successfully!

Be sure to report back to the list when you figure out the answer, to help
the next person who comes along.
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