UEFI wakealarm

blind Pete 0123peter at gmail.com
Sun Jan 10 23:50:56 UTC 2016

Checked the file systems and the packages.  No obvious problems there.  

There is also an init/upstart/systemd dimension.  
/etc/init/hwclock-save.conf does not leave any log records in 
Xeinal (alpha), but it does in Trusty.  

BTW is this a top post list or a bottom post list?  


Juan Blanco wrote:

> Hello blind Pete,
> Excuse me for the first things first solution at the beginning.  Have you
> tried booting in Recovery mode, and select Check all file systems
> installed?
> This Ubuntu feature has helped out of many different puzzles.
> intuitionist
> Juan L. Blanco
>> To: ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
>> From: 0123peter at gmail.com
>> Subject: UEFI wakealarm
>> Date: Sat, 9 Jan 2016 18:18:45 +1100
>> Hi *,
>> I tried posting this in nntp://alt.os.linux.ubuntu, but I did not
>> get much joy, so I am trying here.
>> This might be a kernel problem, an Ubuntu problem, a firmware problem,
>> a MythTV problem, or a whole bunch of problems.  My Mythbuntu 14.04 LTS
>> does not go to sleep and wake itself up like I want it to.  What I want
>> to find out is, which of the following are real bugs and who should they
>> be reported to?
>> The UEFI firmware has the real time clock set to UTC.  When it was
>> configured to wake at a particular time of day, it worked as expected.
>> It is now configured to wake "by OS", that sometimes works.
>> There is a file /etc/init/hwclock.conf that never seems to get executed.
>> I've added commands to echo information to a log file, but nothing
>> appears in the log file.  That file, hwclock.conf, still exists in
>> Xenial.
>> There is a file /etc/init/hwclock-save.conf that does get executed,
>> but only to the line that starts with "exec".  Log entries appear up to
>> that line but not after.  Deleting the "exec" and calling "hwclock"
>> directly seems to work; stuff gets logged before and after that line
>> and sometimes the wake alarm works.
>> Sometimes "cat /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm" agrees with
>> "cat proc/driver/rtc" (allowing for timezones), but often the
>> wakealarm is empty.
>> Usually, "date -d +10min +%s > /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm"
>> as root works, but not always.  The wakealarm can remain empty.
>> Plus a lot of things that seem to be MythTV specific, but I will ask
>> elsewhere about those.
>> --
>> blind Pete
>> Sig goes here...
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blind Pete
Sig goes here...  

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