Title bar/menu problem on 14.04

Jim Byrnes jf_byrnes at comcast.net
Thu Feb 11 03:31:29 UTC 2016

On 02/10/2016 05:04 PM, Karl Auer wrote:
> On Wed, 2016-02-10 at 11:25 -0600, Jim Byrnes wrote:
>> No you did not miss the point, that is exactly what I have been
>> discussing. Though I don't believe it is natural or good.
> I guess that's a matter of taste, but...
>> I only see this behavior in Firefox,Thunderbird and Libreoffice.
> That's odd. I see it in ALL programs that have a title bar menu.

Your right and  I do too.  Those 3 are the ones I use the majority of 
the time.  When I went looking for other programs to test I picked some 
that still used a menu bar not the titlbar but I did not notice it. That 
was my mistake

> You said in another post that your preferred way to use a drop-down menu
> is to hold down the mouse until the menu drops down, then select from
> the menu. Not wanting to be smart, but that's just the wrong way to use
> drop down menus. It's click (not click and hold), then select.

I looked back and I don't see where I said that it was my preferred way. 
  I think the only time I said anything like that was when I was 
comparing the behavior of apps with the menus in the titlebar and ones 
with a menubar. I was noting on the menubar ones I could hold the mouse 
button down and it did not change to a hand.  Of course that was before 
I realized that some of the ones I was testing actually had a menubar.

> Context menus (right click) work the way you describe.
> You also said that you have to click really really fast. Is it possible
> that you are, so to speak, a slow clicker? I have no problem at all
> clicking within a third of a second, but maybe you do. I can't see any
> way to increase the click delay, but it may well be possible to google
> that. If you DO have trouble clicking inside 1/3 sec, then that's an
> accessibility problem and click delay configurability should be added to
> the universal access options along with the double-click delay.

I may be a slow clicker but what is the need for all the speed? In 
previous versions I had no trouble with click speed.

> You can work out your click speed by getting someone else to time you
> for five seconds, then get as many clicks in as you can. Divide your
> click count into 5 to get seconds per click.

I sort of did that by watching the seconds in the clock on the top 
panel. If I really try I can get 3 clicks in a second.

> Finally you said that this only happens with some applications. The
> menus work absolutely identically on every application I have installed
> (I checked about twenty, anyway) specifically including LibreOffice,
> Firefox, gedit, terminal and Evolution. And I cannot remember any
> application I have ever used NOT working that way (though one or two,
> usually games, have had no title-bar menu at all, e.g.,Cuyo).
> Regards, K.

I was wrong about that, at the time those were the only ones I noticed. 
However on my setup terminal and gedit do not display the menus in the 
titlebar, they display them in a menu bar underneath the title bar.

Regards, Jim

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