Title bar/menu problem on 14.04

Karl Auer kauer at biplane.com.au
Wed Feb 10 23:04:40 UTC 2016

On Wed, 2016-02-10 at 11:25 -0600, Jim Byrnes wrote:
> No you did not miss the point, that is exactly what I have been 
> discussing. Though I don't believe it is natural or good.

I guess that's a matter of taste, but...

> I only see this behavior in Firefox,Thunderbird and Libreoffice.

That's odd. I see it in ALL programs that have a title bar menu.

You said in another post that your preferred way to use a drop-down menu
is to hold down the mouse until the menu drops down, then select from
the menu. Not wanting to be smart, but that's just the wrong way to use
drop down menus. It's click (not click and hold), then select.

Context menus (right click) work the way you describe.

You also said that you have to click really really fast. Is it possible
that you are, so to speak, a slow clicker? I have no problem at all
clicking within a third of a second, but maybe you do. I can't see any
way to increase the click delay, but it may well be possible to google
that. If you DO have trouble clicking inside 1/3 sec, then that's an
accessibility problem and click delay configurability should be added to
the universal access options along with the double-click delay.

You can work out your click speed by getting someone else to time you
for five seconds, then get as many clicks in as you can. Divide your
click count into 5 to get seconds per click.

Finally you said that this only happens with some applications. The
menus work absolutely identically on every application I have installed
(I checked about twenty, anyway) specifically including LibreOffice,
Firefox, gedit, terminal and Evolution. And I cannot remember any
application I have ever used NOT working that way (though one or two,
usually games, have had no title-bar menu at all, e.g.,Cuyo).

Regards, K.

Karl Auer (kauer at biplane.com.au)

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