Title bar/menu problem on 14.04

Jim Byrnes jf_byrnes at comcast.net
Thu Feb 11 01:18:01 UTC 2016

On 02/10/2016 03:05 PM, Colin Law wrote:
> On 10 February 2016 at 20:26, Jim Byrnes <jf_byrnes at comcast.net> wrote:
>> On 02/10/2016 12:16 PM, Jim Byrnes wrote:
>>> On 02/10/2016 11:45 AM, Colin Law wrote:
>>>> On 10 February 2016 at 17:40, Colin Law <clanlaw at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> On 10 February 2016 at 17:25, Jim Byrnes <jf_byrnes at comcast.net> wrote:
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>> I only see this behavior in Firefox,Thunderbird and Libreoffice. To
>>>>>> get a
>>>>>> menu to drop down I must click and release the mouse button very
>>>>>> rapidly. If
>>>>>> I don't the pointer changes into a hand and even though I am over a
>>>>>> menu I
>>>>>> can drag the window around the screen.  I don't think this is proper
>>>>>> behavior. I would think over a menu the action would be to drop down
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> menu and nothing else. If I open the terminal, gedit the software
>>>>>> center and
>>>>>> others they do not act that way.  On them I can hold the button down
>>>>>> indefinitely and it remains a pointer and I cannot drag the window.
>>>>> Well that is also very odd, I see identical behaviour in gedit and FF.
>>>>> If I hold the mouse down it changes to a hand after about 1/3 sec.
>>>>> Just to confirm, you see this when booting from a live CD on two
>>>>> machines, just by using Settings > Appearance > behaviour to show the
>>>>> menus in the title bar?  Very odd indeed, even odder than the symtom
>>>>> of changing to a hand quickly which could be due to a mouse problem.
>>>> Another question.  In gedit, do you see the text in the title bar
>>>> change from the filename to the menu items when you hover the mouse
>>>> over it?  Also you should see the equivalent in the other apps.
>>>> Colin
>>> In gedit I see the menus and the filename all of the time. Even if gedit
>>> is just open and does not have focus I see both the menus and the file
>>> name. The behavior you describe is what I see in Firefox,tbird and
>>> libreoffice.
>>> For example right now I am composing this reply in a separate window in
>>> Thunderbird right along side of the main thunderbird window. In the
>>> title bar of the unfocused thunderbird I see a reference to this gmane
>>> news group.  If I click on thunderbird to focus it the menus would appear.
>>> If it was not for the fact that I see the same thing on a live cd, I
>>> would think it was do to a setting I changed, it is really weird. Both
>>> of my machines are HP. I can't imagine that that would make a
>>> difference, but just to check. My daughter left her Lenovo laptop here
>>> and I will try the live cd on it.
>>> Regards,  Jim
>> Update:
>> I loaded the live cd on the Lenovo and it behaves just the same as on my two
>> HP's
>> While I had the live cd out and used it on my two HP's just to be sure and I
>> have to make a couple of corrections.
>> On the hp laptop I originally said the touchpad did not exhibit the drop
>> down menu problem. Now I see that it does, but you have to do a really slow
>> click to see the problem.
> I wish you would try and be more quantitative with your answers.  What
> do you mean by 'really slow'.  The pointer /should/ change to a hand
> after about 1/3 second, so if by really slow you mean about 1/3 second
> then that is the correct behaviour (as I understand it anyway).

I guess because I don't believe I can detect what 1/3 of a second is. 
Sitting here watching the seconds tick off in the time displayed in the 
top panel all I know is when I click the mouse button it takes me less 
than a second. Now as I sit here rereading this I realized I could run a 

So while watching the seconds tick off I decided to see how many times I 
could click the mouse before the next second was displayed. Turns out if 
I click as fast as I can I can click 3 times (1/3 second). If I click at 
my normal pace it is about 2 times (1/2 second). So maybe it is working 
as designed and if it is my question to the designers is "what the 
hell's the hurry".

>> when running the live cd on the 2 hp's I see that gedit and the terminal do
>> exhibit the drop down menu problem. The first time I ran the live ck on them
>> I don't think I checked gedit and teminal. I think I just checked firefox.
>> On the installed version of Ubuntu 14.04 on my 2 hp's in gedit and terminal
>> (which I said do not have the drop down menu problem) looking more closely I
>> see that the menus are not in the titlebar, they are in a traditional
>> menubar.
> So am I correct to summarise the situation that the only issue is that
> with the mice (on Ubuntu/Unity) when you hold the mouse button down it
> changes to a hand much quicker than the expected 1/3 second (along
> with the repercussions that follow from that)?
> Colin

Yes.  If I push the mouse button over a menu and watch the pointer it 
changes to a hand simultaneously with the click of the button. I imagine 
there is some delay but it is so slight I can't detect it .

Regards,  Jim

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