Title bar/menu problem on 14.04

Karl Auer kauer at biplane.com.au
Thu Feb 11 01:44:52 UTC 2016

On Wed, 2016-02-10 at 19:18 -0600, Jim Byrnes wrote:
> So while watching the seconds tick off I decided to see how many times I 
> could click the mouse before the next second was displayed. Turns out if 
> I click as fast as I can I can click 3 times (1/3 second). If I click at 
> my normal pace it is about 2 times (1/2 second). So maybe it is working 
> as designed and if it is my question to the designers is "what the 
> hell's the hurry".

You either a slow clicker or your mouse has a very heavy action. A good
mouse should almost, but not quite, click itself. The amount of pressure
needed to click should be extremely small.

But either way I think it's worth communicating this issue up the line,
as this seems like an obvious accessibility matter.

Regards, K.

Karl Auer (kauer at biplane.com.au)

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