Upgrading to 16.04

Peter petergoggin at bigpond.com
Sat Aug 20 01:26:44 UTC 2016

I found the package libqt5x11extras5 and installed it. I then 
reinstalled virtual box.  When I started VirtualBox it said I had 
outdated Extension Pack. Following the screen instructions the updated 
pack installed. The virtual box then failed to start complaining that:

RTR3initEx failed with rc=-192 (rc=-192)

The virtual box kernal modules do not match this version of VirtualBox. 
The installation of VirtualBox was apparently not succesful. Executing


may correct this. make sure you do not mix the OSE version and the PUEL 
version of VirtualBox.

where : supR3HardenedMainInitRuntime what:4

VERR_VM_DRIVER_VERSION_MISMATCH(-19132) - The installed support driver 
dosen't match the version of the user

Does this mean I have to recreate my Virtual machines using VirtualBox 5.1?

Why did 5.0 partially work?

Will running '/sbin/vbox config help or will it screw up my existing 
virtual machine?


Peter Goggin

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