Upgrading to 16.04

Peter petergoggin at bigpond.com
Mon Aug 22 03:21:46 UTC 2016

On 20/08/16 16:02, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> On Sat, 20 Aug 2016 10:59:40 +1000, Peter wrote:
>> It complained that a package libqt5x11extras5 is  not installed.
> Your line off commands should have ended with "&& sudo apt-get -f
> install" and this does fix issues regarding missing dependencies after
> installing with "dpkg -i --force-depends". Let alone that one of the
> links I provided, explained how to install gdebi, "sudo apt-get install
> gdebi".
I reinstalled Ubuntu 16.04 (64 bit). I the installed  VirtualMachine 
5.1, following all the instructions.
My existing virtual machine still does not let me print or scan from 
within  the achine. I the created a new VirtualMachine, installed XP 
professional and had even less success since the machine does not see 
any usb devices and does not let me install any.

Now that Xsane works I can scan files. I can print etc from Linux and 
since all of the Home directory files are available in my original 
VirtualBox I can do what I want, but not as conveniently as could.

I have decided that I will make do for now. Perhaps in the future Ubuntu 
will have all that is needed to install VirtualBox , including usb 
support.  At my age spending 5 or 6 days chasing round these sort of 
problems is not time well spent.

I wish to thank all of the people who have tried to help me.


Peter Goggin

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