OT: Cannot log into bank account

Grizzly Real_Grizz_Adams at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Sep 16 11:05:19 UTC 2015

16 September 2015  at 12:44, silver.bullet at zoho.com wrote:
Re: OT: Cannot log into bank accoun (at least in part)

I would have said it was a ForeFox problem, so you "could " have sent him to 
their list (if they have one)

That said Io have been asked top install Mint/Cinnamon on a friends PC and have 
been working with a LiveISB to get a handle on what top expect, AFAICS its 
nicer looking than my Trusty (14.04.3) and may be easier to use?

I have tried to install Cinnamon (DE) on my Trusty but after a reboot nothing 
has changed

So where should I ask?

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