Dependencies error

silver.bullet at silver.bullet at
Sun Oct 4 11:05:47 UTC 2015

On Sun, 4 Oct 2015 12:52:16 +0200, Petter Adsen wrote:
>Yes, you could try to build dummy packages that fulfill the

No, just remove unneeded meta-packages that will install a bundle of
applications. Just install the applications you want to install.
Unlikely that Mate has got a hard dependency to a bloated office bundle.
Assumed the OP needs the meta-package for what ever reasons, then an
empty dummy package build with equivs,,
unlikely would cause issues, since most unlikely Mate is based on an
bloated office bundle. However, users only should replace a dependency
with a dummy package, if they know what they are doing. The OP
shouldn't use a dummy package, because next time something else really
needs this office thingy, but the OP doesn't remember that he installed
a dummy package.

Again, going an unofficial way requires a little bit of
self-responsibility. IOW taking a look at package information doesn't
harm. Does the Mate package in question contain any binary files or
does it only provide a list of dependencies?

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