Gener Badenas at
Wed Nov 25 00:21:15 UTC 2015
On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 2:38 AM, Scott Blair <scott.blair at> wrote:
> Thanks for the update. I want to learn how to program. I use to know
> basic, Basic and Visual Basic. I had two traumatic brain injuries in the
> Marine Corps and for some reason, I can not retain programming, heck I
> can't even remember my left from right since. But I can still code HTML off
> the top of my head with no problem, go figure. The good books are usually
> the expensive ones.
If you want to improve your logic for programming, I highly recommend the
author "Walter Savitch". He has books on different languages, depending on
what you prefer. If you improve your programming logic, everything else
will be simpler.
> On 11/23/2015 01:14 PM, Kenneth Marcy wrote:
>> Yes, I am replying to my own message, and top-posting to warn about it.
>> On 11/23/2015 1:41 AM, Kenneth Marcy wrote:
>>> On 11/22/2015 6:34 PM, Scott Blair wrote:
>>>> <[snip]>
>>> Mark G. Sobell is the author of several Linux books, the first of which
>>> to read is the latest edition of "A Practical Guide to Linux Commands,
>>> Editors, and Shell Programming." Concurrently, you may wish to peruse one
>>> of several books with pink covers published by O'Reilly Press about classic
>>> shell scripting and the bash shell, which are a good part of "be[ing]
>>> really good at the terminal."
>>> The Bourne again shell, or bash, not only is a way to interact with
>>> Linux, it is also facility for a specific type of programming called
>>> scripting. As your experience with, and knowledge of, Linux grow, the
>>> usefulness of scripting will become more clear, and so will the utility of
>>> other scripting languages, such as Perl and Python. O'Reilly has more
>>> pink-covered books about Python (start with the long one by Mark Lutz), and
>>> several aqua-covered ones about Perl (start with Programming Perl, 3rd
>>> edition, by Larry Wall and Randal L. Schwartz. It has a camel on its
>>> cover).
>> After reading my own message this morning, I see that I did not include
>> the title of Mark Lutz's long book, Learning Python, the fifth edition of
>> which has 1,600 pages. Another learning title, Learning Perl, by Randal L.
>> Schwartz, Tom Phoenix, and brian d foy has a modest 390 pages in its 6th
>> edition. Programming Perl, mentioned above, is now in its 4th edition,
>> with 1,184 pages. As you may imagine, these books are re-edited as the
>> languages change, so they grow together symbiotically.
>> Perl and Python are each large subject matters themselves, not only as
>>> languages for scripting, but as general programming languages. These topics
>>> rather removed from beginning Linux system administration, yet they are
>>> right at your finger tips, and can be quite useful as you learn about
>>> them. Likewise with the C programming language, in which the Linux kernel,
>>> and much open source software, is written. The second edition of Kernighan
>>> and Ritchie's book, The C Programming Language, is a definite
>>> recommendation for your computing bookshelf.
>> A longer (832 pages) introduction to C programming that is more
>> meticulous about building up examples to illustrate the details of the
>> language is C Programming, A Modern Approach, 2nd edition, by K. N. King.
>> This is a college student textbook, and is priced like one, but it does
>> offer a wealth of material if you are willing to spend some time working
>> through it.
>> Learning to program is another world, yet it is right where you are. The
>>> multitude of programming resources includes MIT OpenCourseWare, with lots
>>> of introductory python and computer science instruction using python online
>>> for extended viewing. Course 6.00SC is a good start.
>> Despite the impression you might be receiving, I'm not trying to sell
>> expensive books here. There is a lot of good technical information online,
>> with Wikipedia being a focal point of, and a pivot point to, quite a bit of
>> it. Sometimes, though, the organization of a good book is worth its price.
>> Returning from the easy-to-make diversion into learning programming to
>>> books for Linux learners, after a book or two by Sobell, another classic is
>>> Unix and Linux System Administration Handbook, fourth edition, by Nemeth,
>>> Snyder, Hein, and Whaley. This volume starts with shell scripting and goes
>>> deep into the operating system and how it interacts with its environment.
>>> Not light reading, but an authoritative reference.
>>> Ken
> --
> Thanks,
> Scott Blair
> USMC Defending your freedoms since 10 November 1775
> Save on backup time "BackupDevice=Null"
> If you don't stand behind our troops,
> feel free to stand in front of them.
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