Help with Samba in Ubuntu 15.04!

Petter Adsen petter at
Fri May 8 11:23:22 UTC 2015

On Thu, 07 May 2015 11:13:32 -0400
Paul Smith <paul at> wrote:

> So, I decided to ditch Mint and come back to Ubuntu GNOME 15.04.  It's
> got a number of features I like and with the addition of just two
> extensions (Frippery panel favorites and system-monitor) I have a very
> nice desktop.
> But, I share out some directories on my local harddrive to my family
> for storage, etc. using Samba and I just can't figure out how to make
> this work anymore on this version of Ubuntu.
> Does anyone have any up-to-date documentation on this?  I found
> but it seems
> outdated.  I can't seem to access the system-config-samba tool at all.
> The package is installed, but I can't even find it!  Searching for
> "system", "admin", or "samba" doesn't show anything interesting.
> The web page above says it should be available in "System -
> Administration - Samba", but I can't figure out what that means.  If I
> open the "All Settings" window I don't see anything about
> "Administration" or "Samba" under the "System" section at the bottom.
> There's a "Sharing" icon but it refers to sharing screens or using DAV
> to share files, not Samba.
> If I try to run "system-config-samba" from the CLI it complains that I
> don't have permissions to execute /usr/bin/pdbedit.  If I try to run
> "sudo system-config-samba" it gives me warnings that the owner of
> ~/.config/ibus/bus is not root, then a system error that it could not
> open configuration file "/etc/libuser.conf", no such file or
> directory.
> I realize there's the "Local Network Share" option in nautilus but my
> configuration is more complex than that.
> Am I being oblivious or should I file a bug?

This isn't exactly what you asked for, but if you want to administer
samba without editing the config manually, you could take a look at
webmin. It lets you do administration of a lot of different services,
including samba, through a nice web GUI. Instructions for adding their
Debian repository are at:

These instructions also work fine for Ubuntu. You could also just
download the .deb, but enabling the repository gives you automatic

Also, if you have problems running something with sudo, try "sudo -i".


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